Thursday, May 24, 2012

Look What I Just Ate

A few days ago, I was running out of food and I was still a ways from town (Waynesboro, where I am now).  I checked out my guide book, and it said that there was a small town near the trail with a convenience store and a B&B which served free lunch to thru-hikers.  Done!

So, I eat my normal trail breakfast (in this case, it was summer sausage wrapped in tortillas), head down the mtn early enough where I can hit the grocery store and then go to lunch afterward.  I knew I had a good-sized lunch coming my way, but I had spent the last couple days thinking about milk and cookies.  So, I get to the store and I want to buy everything in the store and consume it at once.  I resisted this temptation, though, and resigned myself to the milk, some Kebler fudge cookies and a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich.
From AT 2012

I ate the sandwich. I ate the cookies.  And I would have had all of the half-gallon of whole milk (gotta load up on the fat and protein!), but I told myself that that would be going too far.  I felt pretty good.  I've never eaten that many cookies in one sitting before - an entire bag!

My mistake was then going on to the B&B and having lunch there.  I finished maybe half of what they gave me and then I experienced some "cookie sickness".  I felt pretty awful after that.  How could food DO this to me?  I learned my lesson, though.  I think...


  1. Try Chips Ahoy cookies next time! Yummo!

  2. BAhahaha. Very impressive.

  3. Hey Matt - glad you're making progress. If you want cookies, Pavel brings a new batch every Monday morning;-)
