Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Look What I Just Ate #2

(This was almost two weeks ago, but still worth mentioning...)

Harpers Ferry is considered the psychological half-way point of the trail, but the true half-way point of the trail isn't for another 70 miles after Harpers Ferry, in a PA state park named Pine Grove Furnace.  It is here that hikers can truly celebrate their progress and what better way to do that than by eating a carton of ice cream.

It is a well-known tradition for thru-hikers who make it this far to stop at the state park's general store and pick up a half-gallon of ice cream and attempt to eat it as quickly as possible.  (The store calls the container a half-gallon, but in reality it's only 75% of a half-gallon.  There were a few hikers who went back and got extra ice cream, but I was happy with my fake half-gallon.)  I picked chocolate-chip cookie dough.  I considered getting vanilla because it had fewer calories (only 2000!) and thus would have been easier to consume, but I figured that would get too boring.

From AT 2012

I finished my ice cream and it wasn't too tough, actually.  Another hiker and I timed how long it took us and we both finished in about 37 minutes.  One guy who had passed through before us finished his in 7 minutes.  Another guy had such an appetite for ice cream that after he finished, he went back inside and ate a second "half-gallon".  I had had enough ice cream, but I also figured I ought to eat something else to balance out the sugar - so I went back in and got some fries and a cheeseburger and after some more rest, I was ready to start hiking again.  Yay.


  1. Was that guy Joe?? Did he come up there to get some ice cream?

  2. It might have been. Apparently, after the guy was done, he was overheard to have said "whatever...", so yeah, it was probably Joe.

  3. Yeah Joe is definitely putting you to shame. He can eat half gallon just fine without all this hiking business.
